Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Financial Freedom Workshop Online

    • Introduction
    • How To Connect With A Table Leader
    • What Can You Expect to Learn From This Class?
  • 2

    Session 1 - Getting Started

    • Download the Workbook
    • Video Lesson - Session 1
  • 3

    Session 2 - Bringing Money Under Control

    • Video Lesson - Session 2
    • Financial Worksheets
  • 4

    Session 3 - Overcoming Debt

    • Video Lesson - Session 3
  • 5

    Session 4 - Lifestyle Choices

    • Discovering My Financial-Emotional Type
    • Video Lesson - Session 4
  • 6

    Session 5 - Refining Your Spending Plan

    • Video Lesson - Session 5
  • 7

    Session 6 - Saving

    • Video Lesson - Session 6
  • 8

    Session 7 - Making Wise Financial Decisions

    • Video Lesson - Session 7
  • 9

    Survey and Resources

    • Workshop Survey
    • Additional Resources